Blood transfusion does not increase Oxygen delivery!!!!

With the advancement of technology in monitoring tissue oxygen deficit (critical oxygen delivery) in real time, it has allowed science to move forward and put down the concept that the administration of exogenous blood improves the physiology or homeostasis of the individual. The erroneous concept that the critical offer of Oxygen (DO2) and hemoglobin level […]

Blood transfusion does not increase Oxygen delivery!!!!

With the advancement of technology in monitoring the measure of oxygen deficit to tissues (critical delivery of oxygen) in real time, it allowed science to move forward and put down the concept that the administration of exogenous blood improves the physiology or homeostasis of the individual. The erroneous concept that the critical offer of Oxygen […]

Patient Blood Management (PBM)

Patient Blood Management (PBM) is not an intervention per se. It is not about transfusion thresholds, appropriate transfusion, intravenous iron, or any other specific therapeutic intervention. More than this, it is the application of good medical practice that includes firstly the diagnosis followed by the appropriate therapy for the specific patient, not forgetting, either, the […]

What is bloodless medicine?

Bloodless Medicine is already a reality on the global scene! Many people, for religious conviction, do not submit to blood transfusion, especially Jehovah‘s Witnesses. There are also other people who do not accept it, people who take care of their health, knowledge of the potential complications of the use of blood and its components or […]

Patient Blood Management (PBM)

At the beginning of the 2000s, PBM (patient blood management) began in the United States, which consists of emphasizing the health of the patient‘s own blood instead of donor blood. Due to the need for more donors, numerous transmissible diseases, and the inherent risks of transfusion, whether early or late, clinical and surgical doctors followed […]

Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution – What is it?

A process developed since 1970 with the aim of avoiding blood transfusions in patients who do not want to use allogenic blood (donor), either for religious or personal reasons. It must be performed since, although the management of blood is highly safe, it is not exempt from complications, be they immunological, infectious or caused by […]

Right renal cancer and left adrenal surgery

55 year old patient, Jehovah‘s Witness, from the countryside of the state of São Paulo, undergoing successful left adrenalectomy and right nodulectomy. Acute normovolemic hemodilution.

Task Force Guide of the Pan-European Advancement of Bleeding Care in Trauma

Introduction: Severe trauma continues to challenge the healthcare system worldwide, and post–traumatic bleeding remains the leading cause of potentially preventable deaths among patients suffering such injury. Now this 5th edition of this document seeks to provide a guide to the management of major bleeding and coagulopathies that follow trauma and encourages adaptation to the principles, […]

Bloodless surgery: Myths and truths

We must understand that blood transfusion and its components do not necessarily save lives. It is considered an organ transplant, because blood is an organ like our heart, lungs, etc. Hemotherapy is the use of blood as medical treatment and as such in its complications, like any other therapy, even surgeries, which also have their […]

Meet our specialists

Dr. Daniel Molinar, graduated from USP RP Medical School (1985), with medical residency in General Surgery and Urology for 31 years, is a Jehovah‘s Witness and has extensive experience in bloodless surgery in general surgery and oncology in urology. Dr. Juan Carlos Llanos, graduated from Botucatu Unesp Medical School (1997), with medical residency in General […]