With technological developments, medicine has evolved and new techniques and equipment have emerged to bring more comfort and safety to patients, such as laparoscopic surgery. Have you heard of it?
In case you haven’t, check out this post for the most important aspects about this surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique that has become increasingly common for treating various conditions.
Doctors use small incisions to insert thin tubes, called laparoscopes and cameras.
The laparoscope allows the doctor to see inside the body and perform the surgical procedure.
There are some important advantages of laparoscopic surgery compared to conventional open surgeries, such as:
Less postoperative pain: Laparoscopic surgery causes less pain and discomfort than open surgery, because the incisions are smaller and healing is faster. Shorter recovery time: Recovery is faster with laparoscopic surgery, because there are no extensive incisions, and patients are discharged from the clinic or hospital in a short period of time. Lower infection risks: Due to the fact that incisions are smaller, there is less risk of infection. Smaller scars: As incisions are smaller, scars are smaller and less visible than with open surgery. Better aesthetic results: Laparoscopic surgery provides better aesthetic results because incisions are smaller and less visible.